Relaunch My Life


You teach Reiki… that sounds weird – what the hell is that??!”

That’s what I always get asked.

Probably once or twice a day at the moment.

I used to struggle to explain it without sounding like a metaphysical, new age hippy… talking about ‘energy’ and ‘frequencies’ and ‘channelling the universe to an individual’s natural healing power’.

Now I just tell people (in a warm, mysterious and soothing tone) “Reiki? Well… the best way I can describe it is that it’s like a massage for your soul.”

That really is the best way to explain it to someone who has never experienced it.

You need to have a Reiki session and/or learn Reiki to fully appreciate and understand the experience.

To quote the recently passed Wayne Dyer… “The highest form of ignorance is judging something you know nothing about” and the biggest judger of the metaphysical/energy healing world was me… In fact – I can remember laughing at someone who tried to convince me about energy healing about 5 years ago.

I was so disconnected from my body as a result of sitting at a desk in an office job that I literally couldn’t feel a thing… let alone pick up differences in energy from other people.

Through my spiritual development over the past 2 years I am now so sensitive to other people’s energy I can sense stomach upsets, chakra imbalances and headaches in people sitting on the other side of a room. I also receive visuals of symbols and where those symbols come from which part of the body shows me what mental/emotional imbalances people are carrying.

To be completely honest with you, coming from my corporate ‘black and white’ (I have to SEE the proof of something to BELIEVE it) mentality, the shift to now working with Reiki as both a Reiki and Seichim Master and working with unseen energy is a constant daily struggle in my head.

And that’s why I love teaching it.

It challenges the crap out of me.

Part of me still likes going to my ‘safe’ zone of running retreats… but the universe keeps pushing more and more Reiki enquiries my way. As if to say… “no Juliet – don’t play it safe. Start playing in the unseen, start encouraging others to believe there is more to this world than meets the eye.”

In fact, I just had to make the decision to cancel an upcoming retreat due to demand for my Reiki courses.

In my classes, I literally see miracles happen through the intuition exercises, energetic shifts and emotional releases of issues people have carried their whole life. No two classes are the same, and EVERY group always says they feel like they have known the fellow students their whole lives.

You see, when you find your soul, you find your soul family…and Reiki is a way of connecting you to your soul.

Science is starting to merge with the metaphysical (if you have watched any of the Quantum Physics research, especially the ‘double slit’ experiment you’ll know what I’m talking about). And so, more and more people are getting interested in Reiki for this reason.

And my calling is to make exploring and navigating this world less weird, and therefore more make it more accessible to the masses.

The world is ready for magic again.


In my Reiki classes, it’s not just about the Reiki principles and symbols. And I don’t rush you through the symbols. It’s an immersion experience with me involving intuition exercises, meditations, soul gazing and raising your consciousness to the world around us and your ability to create your reality.

Contact me at or 0434 301 554 for enquiries or bookings.

ALSO – please share and comment below about your experience with Reiki! The more we spread awareness about this the less ‘weird’ it becomes…


Juliet Lever

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  • Truth Juliet, many people ask what Reiki is, how it is done, how to learn, discredit the power of Reiki and how to explain clearly what Reiki is. I like your description for Reiki “Well … the best way I can describe it is that it’s like a massage for your soul” Fantastic. Congratulations!! Gratitude to share.

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