Relaunch My Life


We all procrastinate at times.

It’s a horrible feeling. The feeling of knowing there is something you need or want to do, but have little to no desire or motivation to do it. Putting things off wreaks havoc on our nervous system, creates unconscious stress and prevents us from achieving the things we want in life.

This week I explored deeper into the topic of procrastination, and was fascinated to learn there are actually 3 types of procrastination we can do.

I believe with awareness comes the ability to make conscious choices, so I want to share the 3 types with you today so you can start to explore which one is your ‘go to’ and how to choose diferrently.

This is CRUCIAL, because so many of us these days fall victim to the attractive distractions that are constantly seeking our attention through social media and marketing.

Sometimes we even want to be distracted and welcome distractions and ‘fires’ to put out because they give us a sense of achievement, in an otherwise unclear path to success.

So, let’s explore the 3 ways people can procrastinate so you can get more aware of which type you are, and prevent it from impacting your life negatively:

  1. AROUSAL… now this doesn’t mean what you think it does. This means that this type of procrastination is all about leaving things to the last minute. To get that ‘rush’ of energy to meet a deadline and perform. Some people even claim to work better under pressure, but that isn’t always the case.
  2. AVOIDERS. If you tend to avoid things and hope they will just go away, this kind of procrastination usually stems from a fear of failure. And can sometimes be the result of a critical or controlling parental figure growing up, which I would resolve using Timeline Therapy®.
  3. DECISIONAL. If you procrastinate over making decisions this is actually one way to avoid taking responsibility for outcomes, and I want you to realise that even ‘not’ choosing is a choice! If you want to consciously create your future, you need to be able to make your own decisions in life.

So, which one are you?

Perhaps you’re a mix of all 3.

Comment below and let me know, and start being more aware of your tendency to procrastinate in one of these ways.

And to hear my full ‘Live Broadcast’ on the 5 ways to overcome procrastination you can tune into my Podcast or watch the full video here:

Juliet Lever

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