Relaunch My Life



For the last week I’ve been hosting my retreat over here in in Bali.

We had an amazing week filled with a purification ceremony at the majestic Tirta Empul, learned the incredible process of making our own Batik Paintings and had a traditional Balinese cooking class. Gosh the food here is amazing!

The incredible artwork we spent 6 hours creating!

I taught a different style of yoga each morning, hatha, yin, slow flow and kundalini. I love all styles of yoga and personally change up what I practice each day depending on if I need more energy, more of a stretch or more relaxation.

Plus we delved into many different interesting topics throughout my three redesign your future, reconnect to your soul and rediscover the magic within workshops.

Our gorgeous cooking class hosts

From sharing some techniques I teach in my Reiki workshops for accessing deeper intuition, mind maps of our lives, accessing resources from areas in our lives we are strong in to learn across areas we are challenged in, to setting goals in our future and creating confidence and relaxation anchors using NLP techniques I’ll be teaching in August in my training… we certainly fit a lot of amazing personal growth in between the relaxation and time in the pool.

Another highlight for me was asking each of the ten guests to share or teach the group something on our second to last day… well, we learned such a myriad of skills in one short hour! We had lessons in art therapy, tai chi, learned foot care, boxing, self-massage and even some Japanese! It just goes to show how diverse every single person is and that everyone (including you) has something unique to share with the world.

One of the big topics we worked through in my second workshop was an extension of the activities in my book, Relaunch My Life.

The purification ceremony at Tirta Empul spring

We learned from the teachers in our lives (good and bad) and, specifically focused on the people who trigger you in life.
Because any time we have an extreme reaction to someone (positively or negatively) that energetic response is an indication that there is something very powerful for you to learn.


Think about it. If you feel neutral towards someone then there is no charge.


There is no energy. There is no transformation.


When there is a charge (positive or negative) there can be a catalyst for change (good or bad). And sometimes because of that ‘charge’ we avoid these people… and that’s entirely missing the point!


I explain this further in this week’s episode of Relaunch My Life radio, but to put it simply:


It’s not goodbye…. it’s just the beginning

Everyone in your life is a teacher. They are here to mirror back to you parts of yourself… either, how you are (consciously or unconsciously), how you want to be, how you used to be or what you judge most.


If you consider everyone in your life reflects an element of these you can start to learn from the teachers you have brought into your reality and realise the gift of the lesson they are bringing you.

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Contemplate ‘what are you here to teach me?’. For example, someone who triggers you because they are always late may be here to teach you patience… someone who drains your energy may be teaching you to set boundaries and speak up for your needs.


It’s vitally important not to avoid these teachers, or you’re likely to bring them to you again and again in more powerful and obvious ways. Sometimes the most powerful teachers in our lives are the most painful ones, or at least that’s been my experience.


Another thing to notice is any time things occur in patterns. For example, if there is one person with a similar trait to another person in your life, then that pattern is linked to you, so it’s an opportunity to explore this.


Our farewell mandala

The way I see it, if you are the center of your universe, the people around you are like the planets – orbiting you for a reason.


Once you learn that reason or learn what you need to the orbit can shift. But it comes from the perspective, awareness and self development that starts with you.


I’m curious to know what your thoughts are on this?


Action: Your action this week is to notice the people around you, and what ‘triggers’ you either positively or negatively, and journal what this says about you and what opportunity there is for you to work on.


Tomorrow I head off to Thailand to meet Paul for a week of R&R in Koh Phagnan and Koh Samui.

I’m so excited to see him and am so grateful for the freedom I now have in my life to take time off when I need it and travel and work freely!

But I remind myself that it’s been a long journey to get here since planting the seed of a dream 0f living the life I am living today almost 5 years ago.

Sending you so much love and respect.



Happy and proud after hosting an incredible week!

Juliet Lever

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