Relaunch My Life


We’ve all had times in life where we feel stuck.


We have all had times in life where there has been a difficult decision we have had to make.


And we have all had times in life where things haven’t gone our way and we don’t seem to be receiving what we want.


And I want to remind you that it’s the greatest gift.


Yes I am a big believer in the ability to attract what we want, but sometimes not getting what we want is exactly what we need.




This week I received a listener question for my Podcast on iTunes. Jaime asked ‘does all this attraction, creation, manifestation process really work, or is it just garbage for people who don’t have the skills? Maybe I am cursed. How did you build such belief in your ability to create your ideal life’?


I answered her question via my Podcast because I felt I really needed to talk it out.  To explain my perspective. To share my story of the times when I struggled and didn’t get what I want. Because whilst I believe in manifesting and attraction, I also believe that sometimes we are not aware of all the things we need to manifest in order to grow and sometimes, not getting the things we want is the biggest gift!

You can listen here:

The three biggest take aways from it are:


  • As human beings, we always have to believe in something. So, why would you choose to believe that there is nothing to believe in?
  • Life is always bringing us what we need in order to evolve. If things always work out we don’t learn and grow. It’s in the challenge that we can build our resilience. Remaining positive and open with our energy and mindset in the face of adversity is the best way to get back to an attraction state.
  • Trust that there is a reason you didn’t get that job/relationship/desired outcome. It may be a gift because it may be preparing you for the next step on your journey.


I know that this may sound easier said than done.


I always urge you to trust the wisdom beneath the chaos.


Action: This week, think of an area in your life you are struggling with. And reflect upon ‘what is this challenge here to teach me to overcome?”


xx with love and respect,


Juliet Lever

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