Relaunch My Life


On the 3rd of January I made a commitment to post a photo of myself on social media doing yoga every day for a year.

And 3 days ago.. I quit.

It wasn’t an easy decision.

But I had to do it. And I want to share why…

Day 2

Starting out, I was excited to share my daily yoga practice, inspire others and be creative with my photography all at the same time.

I really enjoyed it. Being creative, finding cool places to take inspiring photos, sharing my love for yoga.

But after about 40 days of posting every single day things started to change.


Day 48

I started to feel pressure about what to post.

I found myself feeling uninspired about what poses to do, frustrated that I seemed to be perpetuating the notion in the Western world that ‘yoga is just about the poses’…

I found myself at times deep down resenting the commitment I had made.

My own yoga practice suffered in the quest for beautiful photos. And sure, there are some truly breathtaking pictures I took on this journey, which I’m grateful to have created.

Day 81

But after about 100 days of posting a photo every single day, I noticed that it became quite common for me to find myself wishing that I didn’t have to post anything each day. I began exploring this feeling.

One of the eight limbs of yoga is Satya – which translates to ‘truth’.

And to me, living in alignment with my own truth is far more important than sticking to a commitment that I am no longer gaining benefit from or enjoying.

Yes, I knew that it just didn’t feel right anymore.

But I carried on for another 30 days… feeling more and more resistance to what I was doing.

I explored the discomfort… and found that underneath that uncomfortable feeling  deep down I knew I had to give myself permission to ‘quit’.

I would rather end something beautiful than drag something out that I don’t have my heart in. Wouldn’t you?

“So on day 138 I stopped.”

I felt lighter and free immediately after making the decision.

I have found that we generally feel lighter after making the right decisions for ourselves.

I’m curious though, how many of us in the world make commitments to something with the best intentions and then change our mind later on?

How many of us start projects, businesses, relationships, and even friendships from a place of love, and then keep working on them even though we no longer enjoy them? Even when our heart is no longer in it? 

Sure, some people certainly do value loyalty and commitment over truth and freedom. I admire that and believe that each of us are entitled to value different things in life.

Day 75

And isn’t it fascinating how sometimes what seems like a good idea at the beginning, can turn out to be something completely different to what we imagined it would be once we have begun?

Yet, how many of us stick with things long after they no longer serve our highest good, or after we have evolved beyond them, just because we ‘said that we would’ or because we don’t want to let others down?

I believe that pulling the pin on what no longer serves us can be the bravest and most loving thing we can do.

For ourselves, and others. 

Years ago I was trapped in a life of commitments that didn’t fit me anymore. I had to shed those layers and find myself again. I sought freedom and truth in the path I followed, and I share this journey in my book “Relaunch My Life” (which was released on Kindle and Paperback on Amazon earlier this week And I honestly believe that when we set ourselves free and live in alignment with our own uncomfortable truth, we make it safe for others do to the same.

Day 138 – The End!

Joyfully, over the past few days after making this decision I’ve rediscovered my true yoga practice, just for me.

And to me, that’s what my yoga practice is all about. A reconnection back to myself, back to my truth and to what feels right for me. A union of peace, presence and joy in my entire being.

And that feels like the best daily yoga challenge to me. 

So, what are you ready quit?

What are you feeling the weight of that you may be ready to let go of?

And how liberating is it when you finally remove the things that no longer serve you, to make space for the things that do make your soul sing?

I’d love to hear from you.

Please, post your thoughts below. xx

Juliet Lever


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  • I love this!
    So often we go along life completing things just because we feel that we have to, or because we feel that we will be letting people down if we don’t. I am pretty sure that when we set these challenges for ourselves we don’t forsee it ever being stressful or pressuring. You have to ask yourself “whats in it for me” “whats my intention”.
    Its so much more empowering to quit at something that no longer serves its purpose than to just carry on regardless because you think you have to. Yoga is your passion and by quitting your daily challenge you are preserving your passion and allowing yourself to reconnect with the whole beauty of it all.

    • I totally agree Donna! I love how much you understood what I was trying to articulate here! I am FULLY committed to myself and that is the first commitment 🙂

  • Great read Juliet, paying “kind attention” to our thoughts and feelings brings us back to the present, and as you said “This helps to reconnect”

  • Good on you Juliet! Coming from a place of truth & honesty. I can definitely resonate with the “lifting of a weight” feeling when you shed something in your life or a commitment you have made that no longer serves you. I hadn’t recognized that feeling means you are doing the right thing for yourself, makes sense!

  • Go Juliet ! It’s just as inspiring to see you pull the plug, as it would be seeing you carry on, given your reasoning. X all love

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