Relaunch My Life


“Welcome to The Dream Life Diary – Week 28”


– Journal entry, Tuesday 25 October 2016-


I am sitting on the plane at Denpasar airport and the plane is just about to take off. I feel deeply grateful to notice I have an entire row to myself so I can pop a sneaky sleeping pill and lay down and sleep.

In less than 6 hours I will land back home in Adelaide. Paul will be waiting for me at the airport and I smile, picturing his beautiful face when he sees me for the first time in a month.

I have a Certificate in my backpack that tells me I am a Certified Yoga Teacher now.

But the real achievement was the gift that this last month’s solo journey gave me.


I feel calmer than I have ever felt in my life. I feel different. I am slow. I realise just how much I used to rush everywhere. I am more centered. More myself. More compassionate. More self-loving.

You see, this past month whilst in Bali at my Yoga Teacher Training I finally broke a big, deep seeded addiction of mine.

Of all the addictions I’ve overcome in my life (drinking to drown my sorrows, using food as an emotional blanket, addiction to exercising and restrictive dieting, pouring all my energy in to work and seeking external success and praise) this one’s been the hardest to break.


– This month I finally broke my addiction to putting other people’s needs ahead of my own.-


This was a tough one because my ego always seemed to be able to justify putting others needs ahead of my own as acceptable because I was ‘helping others’.


But underneath all of the justification it was still a form of self-abuse and emotional neglect.


In fact, I can see now that majority of the issues in my life have stemmed from putting others needs and wants ahead of my own.


And being so good at intuiting others needs I became disconnected from knowing what I even wanted.


Completing this Yoga Teacher Training helped me surrender to the beautiful process of putting my needs and myself first.


Because I honestly couldn’t have survived this challenging month any other way!


Most days I was up at 4.30am to ride my scooter to morning Asana class, and my head didn’t hit the pillow until 9.30/10pm at night.


I had to think of every basic necessity. Buying fresh drinking water. Getting to and from my home safely. Fueling my body so my energy and mind stayed alert during the long days. And having no wifi at my Airbnb unit meant I was able to spend my evenings really listening to my soul. And my body.


Now I actually understand my body. I know how to listen to it, to breathe properly and understand what it needs and to allow my emotions to surface, rise and pass.

What a gift this truly is…


And coming home, noticing the world around me even just at Denpasar airport I can feel how much I’ve changed. In fact, I can tell that my core values have changed. I have learned so much,  and I know the real yoga journey begins now – with how I APPLY what I have learned from the beautiful international teachers who shared their wisdom with me about meditation, anatomy, alignment, breath and consciousness this past month.


My business/purpose and clients used to be my highest values, and the first thing I would think about upon waking. Now my health and self-care regime is higher in my priority list.


I know that having found this resource of strength, self love and care for myself I can help others find it too – but that’s the secondary benefit now. Secondary to how it feels to be me.


My body feels open, strong and flexible. My mind is still and calm. My heart is warm. My spirit is alive. I am content.


On coming home, I know I honestly need to spend about 3 hours per day on self-care to maintain this connection. That includes meditation, pranayama, movement, journaling, self-reflection, conscious nourishment.


It’s been nearly two years since I quit my job – I have been completely financially self sufficient in my business for two years and have grown this business into a beautiful child. Retreats – Workshops – Online Program – Coaching – and now Yoga to add to the mix.


But investing my time in my business did mean my health took a backseat somewhat. Now it’s my turn to invest in myself. I want to live a long life, and so these investments are going to pay dividends for the rest of my life journey.


It will be an interesting journey transitioning back into life in Adelaide.


I know Paul and I need to relearn how to support and love one another after a month apart. He has changed a lot too while we have been apart and we have both learned to live without each other.


I am excited to share my style of Yoga, therapeutic yoga with the women who feel drawn to me. I will start doing some 1:1 yoga therapy and small classes and trust that the right people will come at the right times.


My intention is to take this yoga journey slowly. Ease back into life and be conscious of all the new habits I form when I get home. To see my family. To make time for my close friends. To find balance.


– And above all, to lovingly and unapologetically put my needs first.

xx  Breathe, Go Slowly and Know That You’re Loved xx



– Inspiration or Soul Nourishment –

My all time favourite video about the healing power of yoga:


– A question for your diary/journalling practice –


How much time have you invested in yourself and your self-care regime this week?

What are you lying to yourself about?

Where can you be kinder to yourself?

The Dream Life Diary is written by Juliet Lever, International Lifestyle Redesign Expert and Retreat Facilitator.

THE DREAM LIFE DIARY – a boost of three quick elements of inspiration for you every single Monday.

  1. DREAM – A real, raw, journal entry from my personal journey in the past week
  2. LIFE – Something in the world that has inspired me or nourished my soul this week
  3. DIARY – A question for you to reflect upon to boost your own diary/journalling practice

For coaching, events, media or speaking enquiries you can contact her at or visit

Juliet Lever

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