Relaunch My Life


“Welcome to The Dream Life Diary – Week 22”


– Journal entry, Saturday 10th of September 2016-


I’m sitting on the grass in Hyde Park in Sydney, it’s the lunchbreak of the Discover Your Highest Potential workshop I am running and I’m waiting for Paul to come and meet me with some fresh pho from a Vietnamese restaurant in George Street.


The afternoon sun is warm upon my face and there is a cool breeze flowing through my dress.


I feel so at peace.


This morning has been beautiful, the group have opened, softened and shared with one another. Magic always happens now that I’ve mastered putting together my workshops based on experiencial learning combined with a safe and loving environment.


I love being in my element and seeing the beautiful ‘aha’ moments that arise when people are open to learning and new ideas.


One of the topics I spoke about with the group was the fact that because we live in such a fear driven and distracted society, we never give ourselves time to dream.


To daydream.


To play pretend and what if.


It’s almost as if we don’t dare to do it because it seems foolish and a waste of time, or we are afraid of dreaming for things that might not happen (so we don’t want to get our hopes up) or we don’t know how because we have never done it before!


But allowing ourselves to dream and ponder about possibilities with a completely open mind is such an important exercise.


Because how are any of us supposed to know which dream feels right if we haven’t been exercising our dreaming muscles?


It’s like walking into a gym and not knowing how to move your body.


And how would you have the strength to pursue that dream if you haven’t been dreaming for a while, and KNOW that this is the right one to pursue?


I see this often… people putting pressure on themselves to ‘figure out what to do’ and they decide on a weak dream, perhaps the first one they’ve ever come up with.


And then – they make the mistake of mentioning that week, undernourished dream to a pro ‘dream crusher’ and guess what happens?


It’s a knock out. The dream dies there.


Would you take on a heavy weight champion if you’d never ever trained in the gym? No…


So, just how much do you let yourself daydream and exercise and build your dreaming muscles?


And where do your thoughts go when you have nothing to do?


To the past? To the future?


How often do you allow yourself space to just be with yourself and “work out” your dreams?


Please pay some visits to the gym of dreams.


And start exercising those dreaming muscles…


it’s the best form of exercise you can possibly do.


Exercise your dreaming muscles.


The future of this world and your inner happiness depends upon the the health of your dreams.

xx  Breathe, Go Slowly and Know That You’re Loved xx



– Inspiration or Soul Nourishment –

Here’s a “dreaming workout plan” you can start off with in your journal:

  • Imagine waking up in 2 years from today. Imagine designing a perfect day for yourself, a day where you could do whatever you felt inspired to and spend it with whomever you wish.
  • Imagine making something from scratch. What would you make, and why?
  • Draw something beautiful you would love to have more of in your life and interpret what that means for you.




– A question for your diary/journalling practice –


Notice what comes up for you in this workout plan.

Is it self-criticism? (self-judgement)

Is it not even giving yourself the time to do this exercise? (not giving yourself time to focus on your dreams)

Is it not giving things a go? (fear of the unknown)

Note: The very thing that stops you from finishing or doing this dream workout plan will be the very thing that holds you back in your life.


The Dream Life Diary is written by Juliet Lever, International Lifestyle Redesign Expert and Retreat Facilitator.

THE DREAM LIFE DIARY – a boost of three quick elements of inspiration for you every single Monday.

  1. DREAM – A real, raw, journal entry from my personal journey in the past week
  2. LIFE – Something in the world that has inspired me or nourished my soul this week
  3. DIARY – A question for you to reflect upon to boost your own diary/journalling practice

For coaching, events, media or speaking enquiries you can contact her at or visit


Juliet Lever


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