Relaunch My Life


Yesterday I posted a video about trusting your intuition and a lot of people commented about still doubting it or feeling fear and being afraid to act on their intuition.

So today I have posted a response to it.

The video link is:

I want to talk to you about VIRUSES we get in our mind that BLUR our ability to interpret our intuition.

In studying NLP we learn that brain is divided into two parts – your conscious and your subconscious.

Your conscious mind acts a filtering mechanism. It’s your logic, your protection system, and it also filters your reality based on your beliefs and values. It is the part of your brain that you engage when you consciously try to make change, but in reality it is only responsible for 2-4% of your perception and therefore actions.

Your subconscious mind stores ALL of your memories, emotions, beliefs etc. This part of your brain is 96% responsible for how you perceive the world around you and therefore deeply influences your actions. What I realised through undergoing and learning hypnotherapy is we can develop viruses in our subconscious (or negative beliefs) that shape how we perceive the world around us and therefore negatively influence our responses/actions.

Some examples of this could be if you grew up always seeing your parents fighting about money you may have developed an unconscious belief that MONEY = ARGUMENTS/STRESS and so therefore you do anything you can to avoid having money in your life (even if consciously you keep setting goals and saying you want to save money, your subconscious beliefs always overrule your conscious desires).

Or another example may be, that you want to lose weight. But if you have an unconscious belief that ‘you are always going to be overweight no matter what you do’ or ‘you don’t deserve to be happy’ then you are going to unconsciously sabotage your healthy lifestyle efforts.

Or, you may have a limiting belief that you don’t have anything worthy to offer any other employers which is making you stay in a job that you just don’t enjoy.

This is why I’m OBSESSED with the benefits of hypnosis and meditation. Because when you relax you gain more insight into your subconscious, beliefs and therefore are able to be aware of these ‘viruses’ or limiting beliefs so they can be cleaned up.

And guess what? When you clean up your viruses it’s literally like you see the world around you through new eyes.

And you can then TRUST your intuition.

If you feel like you can’t trust your intuition at the moment chances are it’s because you realise there are still some viruses running in the background of your mind, unconsciously dictating your actions.

I assure you, the more you learn and understand about yourself the happier you will be. Exploring your mind is the most rewarding things you can do, because as you expand the quality of your thoughts you expand the quality of your life.

Trust me!

Three years ago I was living a completely different life full of stress, worry, low self worth and limiting beliefs. I was battling against myself and it wasn’t a lot of fun!

As I have removed my viruses or layers, the life I live today now truly feels like a dream. I literally feel like I am living in heaven on earth. I feel free. And I want to guide as many of you towards this place as possible – it’s beautiful here.

So what can you do to understand yourself more and therefore trust your intuition?

  1. Start meditating. My free Meditation For Beginers ebook can be downloaded here:
  2. Try hypnotherapy and coaching. I work with clients to remove barriers and it is incredibly healing. People feel lighter, more self aware and more understanding towards themselves after just one session.
  3. Start writing your thoughts down. Notice what is going on in your life. Try to decipher what beliefs you must have based on what is going on in your life. It’s hard to see our own beliefs, which is why I recommend coaching as a great coach shows you your blind spots.

I would love to work with you on removing these ‘viruses’ and developing your self awareness. I combine several modalities such as NLP, Hypnotherapy and Resiliency Coaching with a spiritual and uplifting approach and promise to leave you feeling empowered and with a greater level of understanding of yourself and why you have created the current reality for yourself.

Reach out to me at or visit or call me on 0434 301 554. I do one on one coaching, group coaching, run retreats, provide spiritual guidance and teach Reiki.

You are reading this for a reason. Is your conscious mind rejecting these words in order to ‘keep you safe’ from the unknown?

Or deep down, does your intuition tell you that it’s finally time to do something about it?

Start living. Start learning. Start letting go.

Relaunch your life.

Juliet Lever

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