Relaunch My Life


4 months ago I would never have imagined I would be writing my first blog on a website for Relaunch My Life.

In fact, 4 months ago I hadn’t even thought of a business name!

I set a goal for myself in May to have worked with 3 clients by the end of 2014… I just thought I’d take on a few clients for free, you know ‘just to practise’. The whirlwind that has ensued after that tiny goal being set has been intense!

Fast forward to today and I have a logo (that I love! Thanks Claire Elise Design), t-shirts, a consulting room, a banner, website, have worked with many clients, have gone part-time at my corporate job and am running a workshop next month which is nearly sold out.

What this tells me is… if you pursue that which you truly love and just START… then success will find you!

To me, I have achieved success already by being brave enough to pursue my dreams. To me, success is not about money and it’s not about fame – it’s about living my dreams, learning as much as I can along the way and following my heart. Sure, there have been moments where I have questioned and doubted myself. But the more I push through those fears, the more opportunities flow to me to give me the strength to keep going.

What is one step you can take towards your dreams?

And if you don’t know what your dreams are then just take one step towards that which you are drawn to… It might be researching something on Youtube you’ve been interested in for a while. It could be attending an information night or course. It could even be learning a language or instrument.

Then set yourself a goal and say it out loud.

Really loud.

Today is the start of the rest of your life and it is NEVER too late to relaunch your life.

Here’s to a life being lived to the fullest, dreams being made reality and going for everything we can in this lifetime.

This is it. This is all you’ve got. Now is all you’ve got.

You’re all you’ve got. And you’re enough.

Right now.

Every experience in your life has made you uniquely you. Out of the billions of people on this Earth there is no one who can offer exactly what you can.

You were born for a reason.

Find that reason.

Then thrive.

Juliet Lever

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