Relaunch My Life


How challenging is it following your path, following your purpose, your reason for being born?


In a world where so many people are playing it safe and just existing rather than thriving, it’s so important to take a moment to acknowledge how challenging it is to truly step up and do something different…
In my podcast this week I discuss The Second Key to Fulfilment – Victories and the importance of ‘Self Praise’.


The reason this area is so important, is that so often all we think about is the bad things that have happened in our past.


As I explained in my LIVE Masterclass last night, we have those negative triggers and emotions holding us back, often unconsciously. As a way of self-protection we don’t even realise that we’re not taking a step forward because of a past experience that could be holding us back.

Sometimes to trump those negative limitations in the back of your mind you need to strengthen the knowledge that who you are and what you have accomplished in your life journey so far is beyond anything you could have ever imagined!

Every single human being in this planet has so much to be proud of and it is so important to positively self reflect on your wins in life!

ACTION: Take a moment to think about something you have accomplished that you’re truly proud of. Think about why you’re proud of that moment and what it says about you. This will help you to feel stronger, more empowered and more confident about your ability to handle whatever is coming your way.

Listen to this weeks podcast, and take time to truly acknowledge yourself and give yourself as much praise as you can.

Life is too short to be your own enemy, so start being your own cheerleader, be on your own support team.
I challenge you to wake up tomorrow morning and honestly look yourself in the eyes in the mirror and say ‘I believe in you and I know that you can do this’.

I believe in you.

You can always reach out to me, I’d love to hear from you.
Juliet xx


Juliet Lever

1 comment

  • Beautiful.
    As I’ve said before, I love how you always encourage taking the time to acknowledge what you have achieved so far 🙂 x

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