Relaunch My Life


“Welcome to The Dream Life Diary – Week 13”


– Journal entry, Sunday 10 July 2016 –

I am lying on the grass in the backyard of my uncle’s home in Sedona, Arizona.

The past few weeks since arriving in America have been a whirlwind. I didn’t write a blog last week, and I’ve been journalling sporadically because the days have been so full of adventure. America feels so different to Europe.

We have travelled through LA, San Francisco, Yosemite National Park, Las Vegas, and now Sedona in Arizona.

We haven’t even been in America for 2 weeks and I feel like I’ve been here for a year. I feel like all my gears are slowing down since arriving in Sedona yesterday, and it’s not just because of the close to 40 degree temperature.

The energy here is intense.

Last night I slept so deeply when Paul was trying to wake me up this morning (his usual way… by telling me how much he loves me) I could hear him, but my physical body couldn’t respond to tell him I loved him too.

I feel a great amount of spiritual energy here, it’s indescribable and I can feel my logical mind trying (foolishly) to make sense of it all.

But my soul knows why I am here.

On Friday night (our last night in Las Vegas) Paul and I went to an Untamed Yoga Dance class together. During the class we were invited to connect with a bird spirit animal and watch it flying above us.

I saw a hawk, but it wasn’t flying, it was staring right into my soul.

And although the teacher told us to see the bird flying, my hawk was just staring at me and watching me – straight on.

It was telling me that I can finally stop flying… stop running, and although I am capable of flying, I can now just be.

This realisation caused such a deep emotional response for me, because… true to my name, I’m a LEVER (leaver…).

I left home when I ran away when I was 16…

I left my safe workplace nearly 18 months ago…

I left my marriage…

But now my soul and guides are telling me to stay.

Because I am finally in the right place.

No more flying away and starting over….

After the class we picked a Native American Indian Medicine Card from a deck of cards, and the card I picked was a hawk.

The card told me to ‘look for clues’ and that I am only as powerful as my ability to perceive, receive and use my abilities.  The card also said that Hawk people are aware of omens, messages from spirit. I admit, I have not been as open to receiving these messages as I could be because I have been so busy exploring the outside world I’ve been less connected to my inside world, and to my intuition.

My intuition tells me that this week in Sedona will open me up to that.

I just have to follow the clues, connect to myself and let myself be guided. After all, I am staying with my uncle and auntie who have the world’s biggest collection of OSHO books, and my auntie also happens to be a spiritual counsellor… coincidence? I think not…

So, this is going to be an interesting week. As I write this blog, I can hear a bird cawing above me, and it makes me smile.

So, I’m opening.

Letting go.

Even the normal Juliet would be in work mode, organising and scheduling things but here I am, just going with the flow, lying on the grass writing in my journal and seeing what this week is going to bring me. Allowing myself to delve even deeper into my spiritual side…

Deep down, at times I feel homesick for places I’ve never been to.

Which tells me parts of my soul still linger undiscovered within me, waiting to be found.

Deep down, I think we all do.

xx Breathe, Go Slowly and Know That You’re Loved xx



– Inspiration or Soul Nourishment –

Here is a link to a free card reading you can do online, I’d love to hear what animal you get, and what it means to you:


– A question for your diary/journalling practice –


How can you create space to slow down and notice the signs more in your life? 

* Please email me or comment below and let me know….

The Dream Life Diary is written by Juliet Lever, International Lifestyle Redesign Expert and Retreat Facilitator.
THE DREAM LIFE DIARY – a boost of three quick elements of inspiration for you every single Monday.
  1. DREAM – A real, raw, journal entry from my personal journey in the past week
  2. LIFE – Something in the world that has inspired me or nourished my soul this week
  3. DIARY – A question for you to reflect upon to boost your own diary/journalling practice
For coaching, events, media or speaking enquiries you can contact her at or visit

Juliet Lever

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