Relaunch My Life


This morning on my way to work I was sitting on the tram, just staring out the window and completely lost in my own world.

I reflected on last weekend, and specifically the first Women’s Wellness & Intuition Workshop I ran for Relaunch My Life.

The day went so perfectly, it felt like a dream.

The interesting thing about feeling like I’m living a dream these days is it literally seems like everything is a sign or has a hidden meaning.

I pondered this thought further as I stood up to get off the tram and at that moment I saw two words staring back at me.

As I read these two words I broke into a huge, knowing smile….


Good advice.

Thanks tram!

Keeping your mind clear is crucial to achieving your goals.


By keeping clear and de-cluttering your mind you stay focused on what truly matters to you.

By clearing out ‘internal head trash’ you can see things as they are, and avoid reacting to things because you’re looking through a distorted lens.

By keeping clear you flow through life and the things you want will therefore be able to flow to you.

For me, the best way of keeping clear is following these FIVE steps:

Writing a journal of my thoughts and experiences. This makes it really easy for me to identify and then challenge any negative or self-limiting thoughts I have.

I don’t watch mainstream TV. I focus on filling my mind with only positive things that really matter to me and my goals.

Moving my body the way I feel like moving on each given day (yoga if I want more flow and balance, weights if I want to feel my internal strength, walking to appreciate the beauty of the world, or running to pep up my energy levels).

Breathing consciously in and out of the area around my heart (and/or meditation) to quiet my mind/ego.

Asking myself focused questions on a regular basis such as…What is one step I can take to feel relief about a particular issue? What is one thing I can do for myself today that will replenish my energy and make me happy? Who do I want to reach out to today… and why… and how? What is one thing I want to achieve today?

Remember: keeping your mind clear is crucial to achieving your goals.

So keep clear. It’s good advice.

Thank the tram.

Juliet Lever

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